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ve dnech 18.12.2024 – 5.1.2025 neprobíhá vyřizování objednávek z našeho e-shopu.
Objednávky učiněné v tomto období budeme vyřizovat od 6.1.2025, počítejte tedy prosím s prodlouženou dobou dodání.

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KDS Sedlčany
Beru na vědomí...
doprava zdarma
70 let
magnetické stojany
Souprava kuchyňských nožů
kings row

Sharpening and repairs

KDS Sedlčany provides professional maintenance of cutlery in a specially equipped workshop. This service allows extending life of worn-out products and returning their original cutting properties.

You can send goods for sharpening by mail to the company address: KDS Sedlčany, Sedlecká 570, 26401 SEDLČANY, or bring them in person to one of our company stores or collecting points for sharpening.

Delivery date of your order depends on the form of handover you choose.

We will handle your orders received by mail within 3 working days and then send them back (cash on delivery 160 CZK).

Orders you hand in on our stores, will be prepared for you back at store at the latest in 14 days. (delivery for free)

Orders you hand in on collecting points, will be prepared for you back at store at the latest in 3 weeks. (delivery for free)

More informations about maintenance and servicing can be obtained by our production manager Ing.Jiří Dragoun or directly by our experts from service centre - Mr. Robert Hercik or Ms. Pavla Lišková.

tel:  318 841 929/906

fax: 318 841 938

email: vyroba@kds.cz



Here can you download full pricelist - service and sharpening.

price list annex - energy surcharge here.

We sharpen:

- Knives (kitchen, pocket, gardening, military, trade etc.)
- Scissors (household, tailor, barber, nipping, gardening, manicure, surgical etc.)
- Pliers (plasterwork, clipping, nail clippers, etc.)
- hemostats, tweezers
- Saws, saw chains and blades
- Razors
- Skates
- Scythes, sickles, machetes, lawn mower blades
- Home slicers
- Gardening tools
- Blades and plates for meat mincers
- Craft tools (chisels, hooks, needles, millers, drills, screwdrivers, punches, ...)

Basically – everything that used to be sharp but got blunt by usage.

Other modifications:
- Fabrication, modification and repair or replacement of handles
- Bonding, soldering and polishing of knives
- Replacement of blade parts
- Modification of the shape of tips of scissors
- Strings for cutters (egg/dumpling cutters etc.)
- We also offer polishing of brass, stainless steel, copper or aluminum

Main advantages of KDS Sedlčany service:
- Professional performance
- Favorable prices of sharpening
- Restoration of product’s quality
- Ensuring a long service life after blade sharpening
- Products look as good as new after sharpening





Renovace nůžek Scissors – These basically antique scissors arrived to our company in completely rusted and dull state. We restored them to near original condition which included a perfect blade.






Zahradnické nůžky

Secateurs - it is obvious that these shears were extensively used and had some hard time. Basically a classic example of a product delivered for restoration to our workshop. A treat for experts and a great satisfaction for customers. It is clear from the picture that the secateurs can function and cut again for many years coming.





Řeznická sekera

Butcher axe - we received this beautiful piece in a poor state - rusted surface, chipped and dull blades. After service by our experienced professionals, we posted back an axe unrecognizable from the original - the surface was polished and treated and the blade had perfect qualities.